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Writer's pictureGlenn Sevier

Hiking Pikes Peak: A Journey with My Daughter to the Summit of Self-Discovery

Updated: 6 days ago

As I delved into the history of Pikes Peak, I felt a surge of inspiration and immediately called my daughter, Avery, to propose yet another adventure. As we plotted our own hike, we had much to discuss and even more to release. You see, Pikes Peak isn’t just any mountain. 

According to Devin Flores, an Assistant Editor for the History of Colorado edition from 2018, “As anyone who’s visited Colorado Springs can tell you, Pikes Peak is an amazing sight to behold. The 14,115-foot summit rises over the plains with a sort of ancient majesty. It predates humanity by millions of years, and was here long before anyone first settled the region. For centuries and even millennia, it’s been recognized by people of all cultures as one of the most striking landmarks in Colorado. Everyone has had their own name for it, each trying to capture the beauty and splendor of the peak.”

The Push

In the pitch-blackness of 4:20 a.m. on the crisp morning of our hike, Avery and I stood at the base of Pikes Peak on Barr Trail. The air was thick with anticipation and a touch of apprehension. I couldn’t help but think, what had we gotten ourselves into? Our journey was not just about conquering the summit; it was a quest to confront the shadows lurking in the corners of our hearts. Each of us carried our own burdens—my struggles with self-doubt and her quest for independence.

The first couple hours of our ascent were filled with quiet conversations and the rhythmic crunch of gravel beneath our feet. The sounds of wildlife echoed in the darkness, a reminder of the surrounding creatures.

Both of us had been avid hikers for most of our lives. I was an Eagle Scout before the age of 17, and Avery had trekked the shores of Costa Rica, the base of Kilimanjaro, and through the Himalayan mountains with a youth service group called Roadless Traveled (RLT).

We had also hiked the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon together. As the trail twisted and turned, we shared our hopes and fears, finding solace in the vulnerability that came with opening up. The early morning light painted the landscape in fiery oranges and deep reds surrounding a bright golden orb, symbolizing the new beginnings we both sought.

Even with our collective experience, we wound up facing hurdles on Pikes Peak that neither of us anticipated.  

The Moment

When we reached the trading post at Barr Camp, the halfway point up Pikes Peak, a storm warning from a park ranger loomed over us like a dark cloud—both literally and metaphorically. It served as a reminder that life often throws unexpected challenges our way, and it was up to us to decide how to respond. With determination in our hearts, we refocused our energy and pressed onward, knowing that every step brought us closer to not just the peak, but to the essence of who we were becoming. 

Admittedly, there were times when I wanted to stop and rest, but Avery grew frustrated, mirroring the way she often felt unable to defy my insistence on excellence in her education. Now, at 24 years old, after graduating from NYU,  she often echoes those sentiments back to me: “Figure it out, Dad!”

The Understanding

As the storm approached, the winds picked up, and the atmosphere shifted. Clouds rolled in, obscuring the sun and shrouding us in uncertainty. This moment mirrored our internal struggles; at times, the path ahead felt unclear, and the thunder echoed our inner turmoil. 

We soon found ourselves right in the eye of it, at the same altitude as the tempest. The thunder was deafening, vibrating through us like a freight train barreling by. With no shelter in sight, we were completely exposed, drenched and tossed about as if we were caught in a washing machine. Strangely, despite the chaos, we understood that stopping wasn’t an option—there was no escape except to rise above it!

As the storm raged around us, we found strength in one another. We held hands during the most treacherous sections, a physical reminder of our connection and shared purpose.

Emerging from the storm, we were greeted by a breathtaking panorama that felt like a reward for our perseverance. The skies opened up, vast and clear, and for the first time, I saw Avery not just as my daughter, but as a fierce, independent individual who had confronted her own shadows. In that moment, I realized our journey was about more than just reaching the summit; it was about celebrating the bond we forged through adversity.

Standing at the summit, with the world sprawling below us, I felt a rush of gratitude for the journey we had undertaken together. The challenges we faced on the mountain mirrored those we had navigated in our lives—each representing a crucial part of our growth. The photos we took were more than mere memories; they became symbols of our resilience and the deepened connection that would carry us forward into the future. And for Avery, I tried to organize my experiences in terms of my poem called, A Yearning to Stand Tall

Reflecting on our adventure, I understood that confronting our shadows had led us to discover our true selves. Avery's sigh of liberation echoed in my ears as we descended, and I knew this was just the beginning of countless adventures yet to come. We had not only climbed a mountain; we had ascended the peaks of understanding and acceptance, emerging stronger and more united than ever.

Think back to a time you faced your own shadows and pushed through what felt impossible. In your life, what has been your Pikes Peak?

About Walk-N-Talk™ Therapy

Walking can be therapeutic, but walking with a trained professional can be life


I have been the trailblazer of walk and talk therapy since I founded Walk-N-Talk™ Therapy in 2003 as an innovative way to help my high school students to engage in their counseling sessions.

After seeing the positive effects this method had, I created and incorporated the Walk-N-Talk™Therapy modality into my private practice as an effective method that was welcomed by clients. Since then, the initiative and similar movements have grown to be embraced around the world, offering a promising new way for people to traverse the twists and turns of their mental wellness journey.

For clients, this style of therapy has several benefits. It puts physical and mental distance between them and their stress-causing environment and it inspires self-awareness, physically and creatively. The nature component is conducive to the client’s lifestyle and opens the senses to their natural surroundings, be it a lakefront path or a forest preserve or city parks and streets. Clients have reported experiencing a sense of calm, clarity, focus and energy following these sessions.

To learn more about Walk-N-Talk™ Therapy and how it can benefit you, contact me at 773-512-8813 or send an email at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]). You can also check out my website ( ( for more details about the physical, emotional and mental effectiveness of this innovative approach.

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